Larger events of the week included:
Well, I am officially a student here at Durham Uni now that we were “formally” admitted at the University through ceremony (which they’re big on here). We got into our robes (the Josephine Butler way of doing anything formal) and walked to the Cathedral, which is just absolutely beautiful. I hadn’t been before, but apparently it was voted number 2 best cathedral in the world to see and visit. And I can understand why. If you come to visit I’ll take you there.
Start of Class:
Class began on Thursday with lecture and then later in the afternoon with lab. I know all of you know that I’ve been working with bone for quite a while now, but honestly I haven’t had to do any kind of bone practicals in nearly 2 years. So the first lab session was a bit of a struggle for me because it was almost completely about what I learned 2 years ago, but a bit more complicated. So I’m going to need to go to lab pretty much every day to work on it. Good thing they give us codes and keys to the lab and building. Bye bye life.
Yesterday we took the train to Newcastle. It is all of 12 minutes (and £5) away from Durham, and about 5 or 6 times the size. It is definitely an industrial city with a LOT of shopping. We explored the Newcastle…Castle there (I don’t think that’s its actual name) which was more like a tower that they called a castle, and the cathedral. The cathedral was nice, but lacked the grandeur and size of the Durham one. We ran around the shopping center mostly, but then went to a little organic bistro. After, we went to one of the beautiful bridges over the River Tyne (the city is actually called Newcastle Upon Tyne), before literally running back to the train station to catch the 6:22 train then running when we got to Newcastle to catch the last bus back up to our college. What we’ll do to save a pound.
Different Things I’ve Noticed This Past Week and a Half:
1. British girls wear too much makeup and the most unflattering clothes. I cannot count the number of times this week I’ve seen a fresher wearing something that shows their stomach…and they shouldn’t have been if you catch my drift. No one’s going to buy the ice cream when you’re giving away the Ice Cream truck fo free! And ok, so your face might not be that pretty, but hiding it under a pound of makeup isn’t going to make the situation any better, contrary to popular British opinion.
2. Cobblestone is not ideal for any other shoes besides maybe sneakers. And even then if it’s rainy, you’re screwed. I have almost broken my ankle (again) a few times…and I’m not even wearing heels.
3. Skype is like the most amazing thing ever. I’ve talked to a lot of you on it a bunch this week and it has made living here infinitely better because I get to see you fuckers while being away from you. Need some company? Skype. Need a little girltalk? Skype. Need to hear Kayla attempt to speak after a bottle of Spanish wine then have her internet poop out on you? Skype.
4. Some Britishisms are really cool. For example, the tea and biscuits thing is pretty great on a normal basis…for my tastebuds and warmth but not so much for my waistline.
5. When it comes to food, my mantra is quickly becoming “Well, it doesn’t taste like what it purports to taste like, but it’s fine for whatever the fuck it is.” Case #1: We went to “Mexican” food the other night which tasted a bit more like Indian food with cheese on it than it did Mexican food. And the tortilla chips they served us were from a bag. I know I’m probably a Mexican food snob having lived in LA, but I mean, they could at least make their own chips! Whatever it was, it tasted fine, but I wouldn’t have called it Mexican food. Case #2: I ordered falafel in Newcastle which was more like a bean burger shaped like a falafel than it was a falafel. Let’s just call a spade a spade, shall we? No need for this masquerade, k?
In other news, I met the 6th flatmate the other day. She’s from Lebanon and a self-described health food freak, so I think we’ll get along very well in that regard. Though I must say I need to get back on this diet thing. I’ve been so hungry when it gets to meal time lately because of all the walking I’ve been doing and because it’s been getting colder here. Hopefully my body will just get used to this again.
That’s it for now. Hope all is well with all of you. Say hi to me if you see me on skype! I miss you all very much!!
I shall leave you with terrible (but catchy) British music I heard this week:
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